Access Keys:

Maghera Primary School, 15 Station Road Maghera Co. Londondery

Education City

3rd May 2020

Good evening everyone,

I hope you had a lovely and safe weekend. Staff are in constant contact with each other  and we are working hard to ensure we are helping you with remote learning and working with different levels of  expertise  in all areas of ICT. 

As of tomorrow morning we have a free trial of Education City for a month.

Your feedback after the month will determine if we purchase this resource for school as we know it in the future. Please go to the "E Learning" sub-link of our website and click on the "Education City" link. 

Details of class logins have been uploaded to your class "Home Learning" page and will be available from tomorrow morning.

Please use the username and password given .

The login page will ask for the region - click on Northern Ireland and select your curriculum area.

Any concerns or problems please email the school info account and I will be more than happy to arrange a call back to talk you through the website . Many thanks for your continued support.