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Primary Admissions
All children who are 4 years old on or before the 1st July must begin their primary education from the beginning of the school year following their 4th birthday.The application procedure for primary education allows parents to express a preference for the primary school they wish their child to attend.
For the first time this year, the enrolment process can be carried out online for P1 pupils wishing to begin school in September 2019. The GO LIVE date for these new digital admissions is Wednesday 2nd January 2019. Applications close on Thursday 31st January. For this year only there is also an option to use a paper copy of the enrolment form which is now available from the school office and live to download by using the link here.
The Application Procedure

Our school Open Night was Tuesday 7th January. We showed prospective parents around the school and gave them a flavour of life here in Maghera Primary School. Should you wish to visit the school as a prospective parent at any time during the school year please call or ring the office to arrange a suitable time.
Admissions criteria

P1 Information.
Admissions criteria for entry to P1, in order of priority:-
- Children must be of compulsory school age.
2. Children with a sibling already attending.
3. Children who live closest to the school as measured by google maps to the school gate.
Maghera Primary School, 15 Station Road Maghera Co. Londondery BT46 5BS Tel/Fax: 028 796 42130